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2024年三菱柴油发电机维修服务厂家 三菱发电机保养服务电话
三菱全系列柴油发电机组 大功率三菱发电机组 全国联保 鼎盛机械设备
学过物理课的人都会记得,英国科学家法拉第于1831 年发现了电磁感应原理。这一在人类社会发展过程中起到重要作用的原理是说:“当磁场的磁力线发生变化时,在其周围的导线中就会感应产生电流。”法拉第曾煞费苦心,通过研究和反复实验,终于发现了这一影响的科学原理,而且他确信,利用此原理肯定能制造出可以实际发电的发电机。就在法拉第发现电磁感应原理的第二年,受法拉第发现的启示,法国人皮克希应用电磁感应原理制成了初的发电机。皮克希的发电机是在靠近可以旋转的U 形磁铁(通过手轮和齿轮使其旋转)的地方,用两根铁芯绕上导线线圈,使其分别对准磁铁的N 极和S 极,并将线圈导线引出。这样,摇动手轮使磁铁旋转时,由于磁力线发生了变化,结果在线圈导线中就产生了电流。
皮克希发明的这种发电机在世界上是,当然也有其不足之处。需要对它进行改进的地方,一是转动磁铁不如转动线圈更为方便灵活;二是通过整流子可以得到定向的电流,但是电流强弱还是不断变化的。为改变这种情况,人们采用增加一些磁铁和线圈数量,并稍微错开地将变化的电流一起引出的办法,使输出电流的强度变化控制在一定的范围内。从皮克希发明发电机后的30 多年间,虽然有所改进,并出现了一些新发明,但成果不大,始终未能研制出能输出像电池那样大的电流,而且可供实用的发电机。
1867 年,德国发明家韦纳·冯·西门子对发电机提出了重大改进。他认为,在发电机上不用磁铁(即磁铁),而用电磁铁,这样可使磁力增强,产生强大的电流。
西门子的新型发电机问世后不久,意大利物理学家帕其努悌于1865 年发明了环状发电机电枢。这种电枢是以在铁环上绕线圈代替在铁芯棒上绕制的线圈,从而提高了发电机的效率。
实际上,帕斯努悌早在1860 年就提出了发电机电枢的设想,但未能引起的人们的注意。1865 年,他又在一本杂志上发表了这一性的见解,仍未得到社会的公认。
到了1869 年,比利时学者古拉姆在法国巴黎研究电学时,看到了帕其努悌发表的文章,认为这一发明有其性。于是,他就根据帕其努悌的设计方案,兼采纳了西门子的电磁铁式发电机原理进行研制,于1870 年制成了性能优良的发电机。
看来,将直流发电机改为交流电发电机比较容易,主要是取掉整流子就行了。所以,西门子公司的阿特涅便于1873 年发明了交流发电机。此后,对交流发电机的研究工作便盛行起来,从而使这种发电机得到了迅速的发展赞同。
1800KW三菱柴油发电机组 三菱发电机组配件
Introduction to Mitsubishi diesel generator set:
The power range of Mitsubishi generator set imported from Japan is 500KW-1600KW. Mitsubishi diesel generator set can work durably under severe environmental conditions. Its durability and reliability are recognized by the industry. Its structure is compact, fuel consumption is low, and overhaul cycle is long. The product complies with ISO8528, IEC international standards, and J.I.S Japanese industrial standards.
Mitsubishi diesel generator set
Features of Mitsubishi diesel generator set:
·Easy to operate, compact in design, and highly cost-effective.
·High operational stability and reliability, strong resistance to impact loads.
·Small size, light weight, low noise, simple maintenance, and low maintenance costs.
·Having the basic performance of high torque, low fuel consumption, and low vibration, it can demonstrate durability and reliability even under harsh environmental conditions.
·Obtained certification for exhaust emission regulations from the Ministry of Construction in Japan, and also has the strength to comply with US regulations (EPA. CARB) and European regulations (EEC).
1000KW三菱柴油发电机组 三菱发电机组配件
Matters needing attention in the assembly of Mitsubishi accessories Diesel generator
1. The equipment address of the Mitsubishi accessory motor set should be well ventilated, with satisfactory air inlet at the generator end and good air outlet at the diesel engine end. The area of the air outlet should be greater than 1.5 times the area of the water tank.
Mitsubishi accessories
2. The surrounding area of Mitsubishi accessory electric unit equipment should be kept clean, and items that can corrode gases and vapors such as acids and alkalis are strictly prohibited from being placed nearby. If conditions permit, rescue equipment should be equipped.
3. When using Mitsubishi accessory generator sets indoors, it is necessary to lead the exhaust pipe to the outdoors. The diameter of the exhaust pipe of the muffler and the elbow connecting the pipeline should not exceed three to ensure smooth smoke exhaust. The pipeline should be tilted down 5-10 degrees to avoid rainwater injection; If the exhaust pipe is straight up, a rain cover should be installed.
4. When concrete is used as the foundation, the levelness of the diesel generator set shall be measured with a level ruler when the equipment is used to fix the unit on a horizontal foundation. There shall be special shockproof pads or anchor bolts between the generator set and the foundation.
5. The generator casing should have reliable protective grounding. For generators with directly grounded neutral points, professional personnel should ground the neutral points and equip them with lightning protection devices. It is prohibited to use mains grounding equipment for direct neutral point grounding.
The bidirectional switch between the Mitsubishi accessory generator and the main power supply is very reliable to prevent reverse power transmission. The wiring reliability of the bidirectional switch needs to be checked and approved by the local power supply department.
Here are four main uses of diesel generator set.
1、 Self-contained power supply
Some power users have no network power supply, such as military camps, workstations, radar stations, etc. These places are far away from the mainland, remote pastoral areas, rural areas, and desert plateau, so they need to provide their own power supply. The so-called self provided power supply is self used power supply. In the case of low power generation, diesel generator sets are often a better choice for self provided power supply.
2、 Backup power supply
The backup power supply, also known as emergency power supply, is mainly used by some electricity consuming units, although they have relatively safe and reliable network power supply, to prevent unexpected situations such as circuit failures or temporary power outages, they still configure their own power supply for emergency power generation. It can be seen that the backup power supply is actually a self backup power supply, not used as the main power supply, but as a means of rescue in emergency situations.
3、 Alternative power supply
The role of standby power supply is to make up for the shortage of network power supply. There may be two situations. One is that the Electricity pricing of the grid is too high, and diesel generator sets are selected as the alternative power supply from the perspective of cost saving; Another type is when the power supply in the power grid is insufficient, the use of power in the grid is limited, and the power supply department has no choice but to switch and limit power everywhere. At this time, in order to ensure normal production and work, the power consumption unit needs to replace the power supply to alleviate the situation.
4、 Mobile power supply
Mobile power is a kind of power generation facility that has no fixed place of use but is used everywhere. The diesel generator set is a better choice for mobile power because of its portability, flexibility and ease of operation. Mobile power is generally designed for power vehicles, including self powered vehicles and trailer powered vehicles.